TCHERS' VOICE / Professional Learning

How You #TchItReal


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Show us what teaching really looks like

Back in December, in what often seems like a long slog between Thanksgiving and Winter Break, we asked you to share how you "Tch It Real." The idea was to inspire solidarity as we slogged towards a well-deserved break. And you certainly came through!

Here are our top 5 #TchItReal posts!

Tch Laureate Crystal Morey kicked off the challenge by giving us a glimpse into the chaos that often comes with December.

TchItReal tweet Crystal Morey

This picture captures the reality of holiday art projects with young kids. The results may be amazing, but the process is often messy

TchItReal tweet Melissa Quintana

All across the country, teachers went above and beyond to pull off amazing projects for their students.

TchItReal tweet Tom Jenkins

We all know the work of a teacher is never done. As this picture says, “There are no breaks for teachers.”

TchItReal tweet Mrs. Telannia Norfar

Finally, this one had us laughing out loud.

TchItReal tweet Jennifer Munoz

December may be over, but it's never too late to share your own #TchItReal posts. We’ll be watching Twitter to celebrate the crazy and magical realities of teaching.

Lily Jones taught K/1 for seven years in Northern California. She has experience as a curriculum developer, instructional coach, teacher trainer, and is also a contributing writer for Teaching Channel.

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