TCHERS' VOICE / Professional Learning

Tch Video Lounge 2.0: Reboot Your Professional Learning


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TchVideoLounge 2.0 Blog

Tch Video Lounge 2.0 is open for business.

Last year, we opened the doors to Tch Video Lounge, a place where the Teaching Channel community can watch and discuss videos with each other. This past fall, due to the closing down of the player we were using, we unfortunately had to temporarily close the doors to the lounge. Now there's great news! Thanks to our friends at PlayPosit, the lounge doors are swinging back open.

As before, the lounge features videos from the Teaching Channel library and adds an interactive element to them so you can discuss what you notice with each other. You can enter the lounge at any place and any time to share your thoughts and learn from our community of 900,000+ educators.

To start, the lounge has been stocked with our popular past offerings such as:

Leading with Learning Objectives

  • Think about ways you can start your lessons with objectives

Setting Up Students for Productive Group Work

  • Watch Sarah Brown Wessling set her students up for critical thinking tasks

Digging into Discussions with Questions

  • How can we help our students have text-based discussions?

Scientific Modeling With Young Students

  • Watch how young scientists learn from sharing their models

Getting Visual with Fractions

  • How can students explore math concepts through images?

And many more for you to explore.

We Need YOU!

When we changed our interactive video tool, we weren’t able to bring over the conversations from last year. So we need your help to get the conversations started again. If you’re new to the lounge, great -- come on in and start discussing! If you’ve been here before, perhaps revisit a topic from last year or try one you may have missed. The more we share, the more we learn.

Next month, we’ll start to offer new videos, but for now, let’s get back into these conversations and give them new life.

When we watch and talk together as a community, we learn more. So come to Tch Video Lounge to watch, learn, and interact. And remember to tell your friends: go on Twitter and use the hashtag #TchVideoLounge to share what you did in the lounge. Get your colleagues to join you!

Gretchen Vierstra taught middle school for ten years in the San Francisco Bay Area. During her 15+ years in education, she's also been a department chair, new teacher coach, curriculum developer, and policy analyst. She is an Education Content Manager at Teaching Channel.

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