No Series: Anatomy of a PBL Project: When the Levees Break (Uncut)

Anatomy of a PBL Project: When the Levees Break (Uncut)

26 MIN


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Discussion and Supporting Materials


  • Private message to Sandra Atwood

 The PBL allowed students to use all types of resources to find solutions.  So many positive outcomes.  A great teaching and learning tool. 

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  • Private message to Jodi Kutz

Well this does not apply to the litte ones in my art class... however, i do try and tie art to the world around them. We have discussed the use of digital tec. For projects, I may be able to find something for my 3rd or 4th graders who are the oldest ones in my sphier. 

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  • Private message to Trixie Armstrong

It was encouraging to see the students showing mastery of the information and collaborating on presentation styles and content. This project based learning approach is very beneficial for working with and manipulating the information in a meaningful way. What a great idea to have 'executives' to hear the student's presentations and give immediate feedback for hands-on learning. This is really preparing these students for the real world!

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  • Private message to Noelle Casagrain

The world that we live in is full of problems, it only make sense that we start teaching through PBL Problem based learning. It allows students to think about their future as an adult and better understnad the society that they live in. we see a lot of PBL incorporated in NGS and I believe it will truely get students to take charge of their education.

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  • Private message to HANNINTON OTIENO

Project based learning which is pitched towards real life problems stimulates learning and makes the learners be part of the solution of problems facing the society.

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