No Series: Boosting Engagement, Rigor, and Connection Online, Part 2

Boosting Engagement, Rigor, and Connection Online, Part 2

Webinar / Engagement / Distance Learning
45 MIN


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Discussion and Supporting Materials

Thought starters

  1. How can you get students writing during synchronous instruction?
  2. What are some ways you’re encouraging students to read during online instruction?
  3. Do you cold call on your students? Why or why not?


  • Private message to Abel Gebremariam

It is easier for students to understand learning lessons by engagig in the classromm. Participating with others and listening to different views allows students to have a more broad understanding.

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  • Private message to Angel Letts

Angel Letts 

One of the many ways i can encourage students to read on line is by giving material which required feedback with groups answering from the material,this can be done on weelky basic with prizes.

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  • Private message to Joel Carpenter

Cold calling--I know this as "popcorn."  In pre-COVID times I had my own variation on this where I had each student pick the next person to go to the board by passing the marker.  If a student isn't ready or is unsure, they can just pass the marker again.  Occasionally, I intercede by giving the marker to someone who hasn't gone in awhile

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  • Private message to sarahi Solis

1. I like the idea of students being engaged with the instructor. And also have students participate while in class especially when students can get really distracted.

2. By picking on each student to read out loud and if that doesn't work out than pick on students. 

3.yes I do because like that I'll know that my students are following along with me. I wouldn't want my students to be lost. 

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  • Private message to Sherneka Mosby

I like that he's allowing the students to remain engaged in the lesson by interacting mentally with one another. Although; they're not physically interacting with one another they're working together to accomplish educational goals together. He's also teaching them to take turns and respect one another.  

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