Series Body Language: Body Language: Creating Bonds

Body Language: Creating Bonds

Lesson Objective: Create bonds between teacher and student through body language
All Grades / Behavior / Class Culture


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Discussion and Supporting Materials

Thought starters

  1. Why does Mr. Grier pace during his lesson?
  2. How does Mr. Grier use body language to convey approval?
  3. How do you see students respond to the teachers multi-signal approach?


  • Private message to Crystallyn Lee

This video has taught me how important body language and non-verbal language is very impactful in the connections we make with our students. They're also a lot more perceptual than we think! By pacing around the classroom, students can continue to be engaged by being closer with the teacher. It's also crucial that we utilize body language and facial expressions to make sure our students can feel more comfortable with us. 

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  • Private message to Kathy Kyser

I totally agree with use of non verbal communication and inviting body language.  It is good to let the students see that you know the lesson and you want them to be a part of the conversation.  

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  • Private message to Michael Burnett
  1. Why does Mr. Grier pace during his lesson?
    Pacing allows the physical distance between the teacher and the student to be minimized.  It also allows him to show that he is to have the focus of the class.
  2. How does Mr. Grier use body language to convey approval?
    He often leans towards a student answering to show his focus, and upon approval of the answer will stand upright and gesture as he confirms the response.
  3. How do you see students respond to the teachers multi-signal approach?
    Students are more engaged with the teacher's lecture as he moves around. They also respond more positively to his opennes in gestures and casualness (hand in the pocket) and stay engaged rather than stand-offish.
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  • Private message to Denise Cacace

Mr Grier body language during his lesson was a bit unaproachable . However non-verbal communication with body language for example your facial expressions can dicate a lot. Just by a look can get a students attention.

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  • Private message to Sue Farrell
I need to be more aware of my body language while I teach. I want to be able to make more and better connections with students.
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External Resource Materials


  • Summary

    The effect of body language or non-verbal communication on establishing and reinforcing relationships as a lesson gets underway is demonstrated.


    The effect of body language or non-verbal communication on establishing and reinforcing relationships as a lesson gets underway is demonstrated.
    Body language expert Chris Caswell, from Myton School in Warwick, observes and reviews a history lesson.
    He highlights how the teacher uses space around the classroom to focus attention and demonstrate status, while different hand gestures and body postures encourage participation.