Series Body Language: Body Language: Engage & Motivate

Body Language: Engage & Motivate

Lesson Objective: Use body language to engage and motivate your students
All Grades / Behavior / Class Culture


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Discussion and Supporting Materials

Thought starters

  1. What signals does your body language send to students about engaging with your lesson?
  2. How does Mr. Murray use his fingers to engage students?
  3. How does Mr. Murray enter the student's personal space without intimidating them?


  • Private message to Genesis Fernandez

I love how using body language to engage students can also teach them powerful skills about communication in general. They can easily learn to read a persons body language in their futures. 

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  • Private message to Michael Burnett
  1. What signals does your body language send to students about engaging with your lesson?
    Sometimes I think my body language can intimidate or make students feel that I am stand-offish. This is definitely something to consider and work on.
  2. How does Mr. Murray use his fingers to engage students?
    The fingers conducts their learning, by emphasizing points or directing ideas out from him into them.  He also uses them to indicate things like thinking by pointing at his head.
  3. How does Mr. Murray enter the student's personal space without intimidating them?
    By using multiple phyical gestures he enter's the student personal space without having to be physically near them.
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  • Private message to Avery Baird

The way this teacher interacts and speaks to the children is something that can be used in any age group. I really liked the hand movements this teacher used because he is using those motions in a way to relate to what he is saying. His body language is inviting and also allows the students to feel like he is really listening to them when he “holds onto” their ideas. He is very attuned to the student's ideas and their participation as well as the students are paying attention to the teacher and lesson. 

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  • Private message to theresa cowden
I'm trying to attach this to my posting, I really like how it demonstrates the teacher pulling in the student attention. Theresa Cowden
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  • Private message to Patricia Hodge
I agree with Colleen - I am going to be more aware and more intentional with my body language, especially for emphasizing thinking and reinforcing (capturing) good points.
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External Resource Materials


  • Summary

    The short video for teachers looks how body language or non-verbal communication can go a long way in motivating pupils.


    The short video for teachers looks how body language or non-verbal communication can go a long way in motivating pupils.
    A drama class at Myton School in Warwick is observed and reviewed by assistant headteacher Chris Caswell, who has studied and written about body language.
    He highlights performance enhancing gestures, including touching the head to encourage thinking and moving an arm to 'conduct' the lesson and retain pupils' attention.