No Series: Equity-Based Approach for Leaders

Equity-Based Approach for Leaders

Lesson Objective: Learn how to create your own vision for equity with your team and community by involving all stakeholders and creating action steps for success.
Webinar / Leadership / Equity
48 MIN


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Discussion and Supporting Materials

Thought starters

  1. How does your own identity shape your mindset and practices as a leader?
  2. What's one thing you can incorporate into your coaching of other teachers to help them refine their equity-based mindset?
  3. What might your "equity mission statement" look like?


  • Private message to Charlotte Humphrey

True Teamwork beings when one can get the family involved.  Awesome 

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  • Private message to Carmen Romero

Great instructions to follow to access Team course.

How to Join Your Team/Course
How to Join Your Team/Course
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  • Private message to Carmen Romero

"Family engagement" is powerful. When students and families feel accepted comunication flows creating a better enviroment for success. "Shared responsibility" is a goal to aim since the day enrollment of student is completed. It is of vital importance we "see" the value on knowing the family cultural background to accurately refers to their language, country, or ethnic background.

Our goal should be to team with parents to promote "family involvement' at school.

Equity-Based Teaming & Collaboration Strategies
Equity-Based Teaming & Collaboration Strategies
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  • Private message to Julie Hale

Julie Hale 2/12/2021 Blairsville, Georgia

I really enjoyed the statement, " Equity is making sure everyone has access to reach their potential."  Our community statement is "Success for all which embodies this quote. The segment on Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning was very pertinent to me as an ELA teacher. I loved the colored coded idea. The idea that no learner is a blank slate was powerful. Every student has something to bring to the table so to speak. Their knowledge just needs to be activated!

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  • Private message to Carmen Romero

You are right about that: "The idea that no learner is a blank slate was powerful" everybody bring a rich cultural background to discover. We can enrich our classes, decoration of classroom, celebrations, customs, etc. I was thinking on learning "cultural" words.

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