No Series: Supporting Your Teachers in Effective Online Instruction, Part 1

Supporting Your Teachers in Effective Online Instruction, Part 1

Lesson Objective: Learn strategies for delivering effective instruction online.
Webinar / Leadership / Distance Learning
53 MIN


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Discussion and Supporting Materials

Thought starters

  1. What's one of your favorite strategies for building school community?
  2. Beginning at 7:32, we see a class discussing the novel "Esperanza Rising". What are some ways that the teacher in this clip ensures all students are engaged?
  3. What are some ways you can use the chat feature during online learning?


  • Private message to Cavitt Fowler

Hello, I'm Cavi. Videos are an important tool to learning. Finding the right video is not easy.

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  • Private message to Danielle Rivas
  1. What's one of your favorite strategies for building school community? I really enjoyed the teacher who incorporated student voices into the lesson. Between calling on students to read instructions, having students share comments in the chat, and constantly calling out their names allowed the teacher to make students feel like active participants in the learning.
  2. Beginning at 7:32, we see a class discussing the novel "Esperanza Rising". What are some ways that the teacher in this clip ensures all students are engaged? As I stated above, the teacher calls on students' names throughout various parts of the lesson.
  3. What are some ways you can use the chat feature during online learning? I could definitely use the chat feature to have students share out their answers as opposed to having each of them shout out.
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  • Private message to Jamie Mobberly

How do we get access to these modules? Will they be on the TCH Channel? 

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