Series Measures of Effective Teaching: Innovative Coaching Models

Innovative Coaching Models

Lesson Objective: Improve practice with virtual and real-time coaching
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Discussion and Supporting Materials

Thought starters

  1. How do these coaching models differ from traditional coaching?
  2. What are the benefits and challenges of virtual coaching?
  3. How does real-time coaching help teachers immediately improve their practice?


  • Private message to Asela Guillén

Through virtual technology, a coach in a remote location can guide and support a struggling teacher as a lesson unfolds. I believe that virtual coaching, in which a coach interacts electronically with a teacher as a lesson unfolds, is a promising route to this goal. It identifies what needs to be fix immediately. You meet with the coach and talk about the problems beforehand, so you can avoid them. The teacher gets feedback immediately, you can make things better in that precise moment, as the virtual coach indicates you. It makes a difference on how they will teach the following day. It’s a way of creating better teachers. The virtual coaches also encourage the teachers by saying good job, well done.

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  • Private message to Monique Walker

I think that virtual coaching and real-time coaching could help teachers in my district. Virtual coaching would definitely help those that get nervous when I enter the room. Real-time coaching could help the Type-A teachers that typically hunt me down before I have had time to gather my thoughts for a post-conference.

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  • Private message to Katherine Chapp
I really like the real time coaching because it allows the teacher to change things right then instead of waiting.
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  • Private message to Andrea Roundfield
AWESOME! i Like the live coaching for new teachers, its supports and guides to excellence without intrusion. As a veteran master teacher, I enjoy bettering my practice and the video conference would be ideal for me.
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  • Private message to Kim McAllister
I have been able to observe real time coaching at my school and love it! The teachers were a little nervous at first, but then were really wanting the feedback from the experience.
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  • Innovative Coaching Models Transcript
    Meg TV / MET
    MET Memphis / MEGTV-02

    Brittany Clark: I think my teaching is better

    Innovative Coaching Models Transcript
    Meg TV / MET
    MET Memphis / MEGTV-02

    Brittany Clark: I think my teaching is better because I get the feedback immediately.
    Moriah Dendy: That’s a good cause, good cause. What’s my effect?
    Moriah Dendy: I was eager to have real-time coaching so that I could just improve those techniques even more.
    Brittany Clark: Nobody’s doing this topic. I looked it up on line and thought you’d be interested in it. How many of you have heard this argument that maybe you should-- they should lower the drinking age? Yeah? Anybody else?
    Monica Jordan: The innovative professional development tactics that were explored in the measures of effective teaching research project we’re bringing to scale in Memphis, Tennessee. So that would include things like virtual coaching, real-time coaching, using cameras and other video-enhanced techniques to bring about a higher level of reflective practice in our teachers.
    Brittany Clark: I first got into the virtual coaching through a pilot program that Memphis City schools offered.
    Brittany Clark: They have created this to do what?
    Student: Raise awareness.
    Brittany Clark: Raise awareness for--
    Student: For college students, for underage [ph?] drinking.
    Brittany Clark: I was selected and I started videoing myself and my coach would then provide me feedback.
    Brittany Clark: What are first of all some points you found about why the drinking age shouldn’t be lowered?
    Jennifer Chandler: In order for reflective practice to be at its highest level we have to have evidence of practice. The only two evidence of practice that exist are student work and videos of practice.
    Monica Jordan: The biggest thing for the teacher is just setting up the video in your room and now we have iPads that you can set up in your classroom, which are really easy.
    Jennifer Chandler: By being able to sit down with a video and pinpoint exactly what’s going well and exactly what needs to improve it speeds up the amount of time that it takes to teach or to understand what you’re asking him or her to do. You also save time by not having to have the “I’m not sure it happened-- maybe it happened this way” conversation because you’re dealing with concrete evidence.
    Monica Jordan: This coach just facilitates metacognition within the teacher to activate the part of themselves where they truly analyze their practice that normally they’re so caught up in the moment of teaching they may not be able to slow down enough to do.
    Brittany Clark: I think coaching is essential to teacher development. If I can receive more coaching from other people and just even my colleagues and peers at other schools through this virtual model, it can only help us grow. I could set up a video camera in my classroom probably once a day if I wanted to share it with somebody and then get the immediate feedback, change what I did, and tomorrow my lesson can be better.
    Melanie Black: Can you give me an example of a set of precise directions that I might hear when I come in to coach you today?
    Moriah Dendy: “You will enter the classroom silently.”
    Monica Jordan: We also have real-time coaching in our district.
    Moriah Dendy: It’s definitely changed the culture of my classroom--
    Melanie Black: Real-time coaching is different in that the feedback is immediate. The benefit is, number one, they identify what needs to be fixed at that moment and they’re able to adjust it right then and there.
    Moriah Dendy: Herman is in his desk.
    Melanie Black: That’s great. That’s great.
    Moriah Dendy: This is my first year of teaching. It’s been new. I have tried a lot of things, but this one is actually working. Becoming the best teacher that I can be is very important for my students.
    Melanie Black: It goes around your ear like so. How does that feel?
    Moriah Dendy: It’s a little awkward, but--
    Moriah Dendy: You have a pre-conference where you meet with a coach. We kind of go through economy of language, some things that they may say, how the ear bud works, the problems that may have been existing in the classroom beforehand and then you actually have your class and where the coaches coaching you through--
    Moriah Dendy: Go ahead and enter.
    Melanie Black: Narrate.
    Moriah Dendy: Brandon is entering silently. James is entering silently. Jaylnne [ph?] and Quatarious [ph?], please sit with Herman and Kilyn’s [ph?] group.
    Moriah Dendy: The teaching and the real-time coaching is not hard at all.
    Melanie Black: Narrate students getting books.
    Moriah Dendy: Herman has silently gotten a book off the shelf.
    Moriah Dendy: The coach is very patient and does not speak while I’m speaking. When she does speak, it is during a down time where there’s a couple seconds where I’ve taken a breath to kind of get myself together.
    Melanie Black: Narrate one student and then the young man at the front table. Narrate him.
    Moriah Dendy: Tariq [ph?] is reading. Julius is reading.
    Moriah Dendy: Real-time coaching, it gives you feedback right then. And so it’s not like watching a video of myself teaching and then thinking back on my lesson or reflecting on a lesson and thinking, “Oh, how can I make this better for next time.” It’s “I can make this better now.”
    Melanie Black: After all kids have a marker, re-state the precise directions concisely.
    Moriah Dendy: Okay. Your pencils and pens should be down. With a library voice you will be reading the story with your group members. You will then underline or highlight causes and effects in the passage.
    Melanie Black: Good job.
    Melanie Black: What teachers really want to understand, they want to understand that “what you’re asking me to do is going to benefit students.”
    Monica Jordan: Every single one of our teachers in terms of real-time coaching and virtual coaching have all said, “This absolutely makes a difference in how I’m gonna teach tomorrow. It’s helped transform my practice.”
    Moriah Dendy: Silently moving to a position one.
    Melanie Black: I think coaching is definitely going to change the face of education, is going to create better teachers in a way that we’ve never seen it before.
    Moriah Dendy: Antonio’s group, line up.
    Melanie Black: Smooth transition. Great job.
    #### End of ####

School Details

Middle College High School
750 East Parkway South
Memphis TN 38104
Population: 325

Data Provided By:



Brittany Clark
Melanie Black
Jennifer C. Chandler
Moriah Dendy