No Series: Formative Assessment Using the U-P-S Strategy

Formative Assessment Using the U-P-S Strategy

Lesson Objective: Assess how students understand, plan, and solve problems
Grades 9-12 / Math / Geometry


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Discussion and Supporting Materials

Thought starters

  1. How does Ms. Mickle assess learning through each part of the U-P-S strategy?
  2. How can students use this strategy to assess their own understanding?
  3. How could the data gathered from this strategy be used to inform instruction?


  • Private message to Jessica Dauscher
Sarah Roberts-I'd love to hear more about the WITQAM (What Is The Question Asking Me) Please share what this looks like!
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  • Private message to Andrea Emmanuel
I already use this strategy however, I've never named it. I think the students will buy in to using it more with a catchy name. Thank You
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  • Private message to Debra Adams
This is a great strategy I will be passing along to my colleagues! Thanks.
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  • Private message to Marulynn Lockett
Although I am not a core teacher (CTE), I can incorporate the same learning strategies in my courses (Family & Consumer Sciences, Food & Nutrition, Dietetics, Education & Training, Teaching I & II). I teach these course with in a two(2) -year time frame.
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  • Private message to sarah roberts
I will share this strategy with my teachers. It takes our WITQAM (What Is The Question Asking Me) to the next level to check their solutions. This will be a good next step for math,.
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  • Formative Assessment Using the U-P-S Strategy Transcript

    Card: Strategies: Formative Assessment using UPS (check)
    TeRaze Mickle: Today we are

    Formative Assessment Using the U-P-S Strategy Transcript

    Card: Strategies: Formative Assessment using UPS (check)
    TeRaze Mickle: Today we are going to use the UPS shake process again.

    Lower Third: TeRaze Mickle
    9th-10 Grade Geometry
    Cedar Hill Collegiate High School, Cedar Hill, Texas
    TeRaze Mickle: The UPS process is a strategy that I use. The U stands for understanding the problem first.
    Card: U = Understanding.
    TeRaze Mickle: The P stands for planning out the steps that you're going to use to solve the problem.
    Card: P = Planning.
    TeRaze Mickle: And the S stands for the solve part of the problem.
    Card: S = Solve.
    TeRaze Mickle: Giving the reasoning why you're doing your steps.

    Card: ? = Check

    +++ 00:00:39 +++
    TeRaze Mickle: And the check part checks for your reason to see if your answer's logical, your calculations are right.
    TeRaze Mickle: The challenge is on. Let's see, can you use the thinking the process, embedded with all the other strategies, in order to solve the problem?
    TeRaze Mickle: Doing the U process, I've noticed this: if a child can't articulate it in writing, they've probably got a reading comprehension issue.

    +++ 00:00:58 +++
    TeRaze Mickle: In this section of the planning, you're supposed to devise a plan in writing. I see the pictorial part, but where's the writing?
    TeRaze Mickle: The two, if they can't plan it, they can draw it and they can see it, then they can write it out a little bit better, but that helps me with knowing my visual learners and things like that.
    TeRaze Mickle: You're skipping all the steps in between. I'm going to need the work shown here. That came from the calculator, right?
    Student: Mm-hmm.
    TeRaze Mickle: So whatever tan was, put that there equal to x/100 and finish it out and then show me this part.

    +++ 00:01:28 +++
    TeRaze Mickle: The solve part, if they're just repeating some steps and don't know why, then that tells me I have to go back and explain why they did stuff. Go back over some more properties, some more rules, some more definitions, some theorems.
    TeRaze Mickle: Surface area?
    Student: Uh-huh.
    TeRaze Mickle: Wait a minute.
    Student: You would use volume.
    Student: Volume? Okay.

    TeRaze Mickle: Your volume is your inside. Your surface area is only the outside, so that would only the outside portion. So it has to be volume.
    TeRaze Mickle: And of course, they find a way of checking it, that means they really, really understand it.

    Student: We should prove why we use ten instead of cosine and sine. (Okay)
    +++ 00:01:58 +++
    TeRaze Mickle: All of you all trying to check you work good job! Go on with that, yeah, good.

School Details

Cedar Hill High School
1 Longhorn Boulevard
Cedar Hill TX 75104
Population: 2276

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TeRaze Mickle