TCHERS' VOICE / Class Culture

Tch Talks 7: Sarah & Friends with Meenoo Rami


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Meenoo Rami has taught high school English in Philadelphia, written the book Thrive: 5 Ways to (Re)Invigorate Your Teaching, and is now the Education Manager for Minecraft, the wildly popular virtual building game. Sarah Brown Wessling talks with Meenoo about her work in education over the years, with a special emphasis on being new to the profession.

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Sarah Brown Wessling

podcast-sarah-115Sarah Brown Wessling is a high school English teacher in Johnston, Iowa. She is the 2010 National Teacher of the Year and Laureate Emeritus for Teaching Channel. You can follow her work at or connect with Sarah on Twitter: @SarahWessling.


Meenoo Rami

meeno-ramiMeenoo Rami, author of Thrive: 5 Ways to (Re)Invigorate Your Teaching, is a national board certified teacher who taught English in Philadelphia for ten years at the Science Leadership Academy and in other public schools in the city. She has shared her classroom practice at various national and regional conferences, including NCTE, ISTE, ASCD, ILA, EduCon, and the National Writing Project’s Urban Sites Conference. Founder of #engchat, an international Twitter chat for English teachers, Meenoo has also been a teacher-consultant for the Philadelphia Writing Project and an educational consultant with The Educator Collaborative. She's also an instructor in Arcadia University’s Connected Learning Certificate Program. Meenoo served as a teaching fellow with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation where she worked to help teachers refine their practice through collaboration. She is currently Education Manager for Minecraft Education. Connect with Meenoo on Twitter: @MeenooRami.

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