TCHERS' VOICE / Professional Learning

Tch Talks 8: Sarah & Friends with Sara Kadjer


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Sara Kadjer, professor of English Education at the University of Georgia, discusses her distinguished career, from middle school teacher to higher ed faculty. A pioneer in digital literacies and new media education, Sara talks about the greater complexities of the world today and the important role teachers play in helping young people navigate those complexities. Through it all, Sara is inspired by the joy of working with children and witnessing their learning. "Real innovation is not in response to anyone's edict."@skadjer

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Sarah Brown Wessling

podcast-sarah-115Sarah Brown Wessling is a high school English teacher in Johnston, Iowa. She is the 2010 National Teacher of the Year and Laureate Emeritus for Teaching Channel. You can follow her work at or connect with Sarah on Twitter: @SarahWessling.


Sara Kadjer

Sara_KadjerSara B. Kajder, Ph.D. is a faculty member at the University of Georgia and a former middle and high school English teacher. Her research examines the uses of new literacies in engaging adolescent readers and writers in the English classroom. A sought-after national speaker and consultant, she is also the author of the 2012 James Britton Award recipient Adolescents and Digital Literacies (NCTE, 2010), Bringing the Outside In (Stenhouse, 2006), and The Tech Savvy English Classroom (Stenhouse, 2003). She co-edited Research in the Teaching of English with Carl Young (Information Age, 2013). Sara’s specialties include teacher professional development, new literacies, and adolescent literacy. Connect with Sara on Twitter: @skajder.

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