TCHERS' VOICE / Professional Learning

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Thanks to you, Tch is about to reach an amazing milestone: one million members!

At this very website over the years, you've watched your colleagues open their doors, share their practice, take risks, and help us all get better. You've added your own thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. You've praised, promoted, and proselytized, critiqued, cajoled, and, yes, sometimes cried.

And through it all, you did the very challenging and critical work each day of being a teacher and trying, with the help of the Tch community, to improve your craft. For that, all of us at Tch thank you.

To mark this upcoming milestone, and to show our appreciation, we're launching our Tch One In A Million Giveaway.

For a chance to win, all you need to do is register and complete your profile at Teaching Channel. (If you’re already registered, make sure your profile is complete; if it's complete, you’re automatically entered!)

Check out the prizes -- a weekend getaway, an iPad, and Zappos gift certificates -- as well as rules for the contest.

We'll be announcing the winners May 19th at TeamsFest, Teaching Channel’s annual conference for states, districts, and schools that are using Teams, a video-enabled professional development platform that gives teachers a private space to upload their own classroom videos and share their practice while collaborating with colleagues and coaches.

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Tchers' Voice

Tchers’ Voice is filled with great ideas from passionate educators just like you. Let's get better together!