No Series: Academic Choice: Comprehending & Retelling a Story


Common core State Standards

  • ELA:  English Language Arts
  • RL:  Reading Standards for Literature K-5
  • 1:  1st Grade
  • 1:  Ask and answer questions about key details in a

Download Common Core State Standards (PDF 1.2 MB)


Common core State Standards

  • ELA:  English Language Arts
  • RL:  Reading Standards for Literature K-5
  • 1:  1st Grade
  • 2:  Retell stories, including key details, and
    demonstrate understanding of their central
    message or lesson.

Download Common Core State Standards (PDF 1.2 MB)


Common core State Standards

  • ELA:  English Language Arts
  • RL:  Reading Standards for Literature K-5
  • 1:  1st Grade
  • 3:  Describe characters, settings, and major events in
    a story, using key details.

Download Common Core State Standards (PDF 1.2 MB)

Academic Choice: Comprehending & Retelling a Story

Lesson Objective: Retell a fairy tale, including characters, setting, and events
Grade 1 / ELA / Retelling
13 MIN
ELA.RL.1.1 | ELA.RL.1.2 | ELA.RL.1.3


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Discussion and Supporting Materials

Thought starters

  1. What steps does Ms. Porfirio take to prepare students for a successful retelling experience?
  2. How does academic choice foster differentiated instruction?
  3. What can you learn from Ms. Porfirio about elevating student voice in the classroom?


  • Private message to LaBresha Small

What steps does Ms. Porfirio take to prepare students for a successful retelling experience? She starts off with an interactive read-aloud where students can practice retelling the stories. From their she creates a retelling of her own that needs corrections and the students will help Ms. Porfirio correct her retell.

How does academic choice foster differentiated instruction?
It's built in and allows the teacher to work with a small group to look at their learning profiles. While the teacher  is conductiong small group the other students are partner reading, independent reading, listening to audio of the story or writing. The academic choice allows the students to choose their choice for their learning style which fosters differentiated instruction.

What can you learn from Ms. Porfirio about elevating student voice in the classroom? I can learn that the use of body language is essential for various learners with certain deficits. Also, hearing what matters to my students and how they express what they have learned individually is an important part about elevating student voice in the classroom. 

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  • Private message to SHONDRICA LEE

The differential instruction that she used during retelling was great.

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  • Private message to Joann Miller

I loved the academic choice where students are able to make a choice about how they will retell a topic.  In retelling the story children are able to use play doh or to draw a picture to help them visualize and comprehensed the story.  Students are also able to choice how they will work, is it individually or with a partner or with a group.  Children are able to be the teacher and model for the teacher.  This helps keep the students engaged.   In the end students are happy to try something new.

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  • Private message to Tiffany Baltazar

1.  The steps Ms. Porfirio takes to prepare students for a successful retelling experience by asking story to retell the story, she keeps the students engage using hands on activities.

2. Academic choice foster differentiated instruction by accomadating every student needs.

3. What I learned from Ms. Porfirio about elevating student voice in the classroom that she gives  different opportunity to response. 

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  • Private message to Martha Bullock

She did engage them VERY well.  I truky think that the repitition in routine/resposes helps with that!  Her excitement slao was a HUGE part!

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School Details

Crestwood Elementary School
6010 Hanover Avenue
Springfield VA 22150
Population: 612

Data Provided By:



Melissa Porfirio