No Series: Common Core: Elementary School

Common Core: Elementary School

Lesson Objective: See how teaching to the Common Core affects classroom practice
Grades K-5 / ELA / Math / Common Core
14 MIN


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Discussion and Supporting Materials

Thought starters

  1. How will open-ended problem solving prepare students for future math classes?
  2. How will the addition of speaking and listening standards shape classroom activities?
  3. How does analyzing lessons for Common Core alignment help this group of teachers with their own practice?


  • Private message to Kaily Nissen
  1. How will open-ended problem solving prepare students for future math classes?                                                     Open-ended problem solving prepares students for their future math classes because it will help them improve their critical thinking skills. Which will not only help them in math but other subjects throughout their education. 

2. How will the addition of speaking and listening standards shape classroom activities?

The addition of speaking and listening standards help shape the classroom to insure that the students are not copying other students, or “memorizing” what they just seen to get through the problem. Memorizing is something that you will need to do, but memorizing all the time will not stay in your long term memory. Having a student verbally explain a problem to you helps them learn why/how they got the answer they did, and shows the teacher they understand. 

3.How does analyzing lessons for Common Core alignment help this group of teachers with their own practice?

The Common Core alignment helps the teachers  know where their students are and need to be. They understand that some students move faster and slower than others. So, this common core alignment helps the teachers work together and brainstorm ways to make learning fun for the students. The students learn and think in their own ways. They are learning that there are multiple ways to find an answer, there is no “one” specific way to get an answer which is helping the students and teachers see how one thinks and what works best for them. 

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  • Private message to Sumaya Hassan
  1. How will open-ended problem-solving prepare students for future math classes?

Open-ended problem solving prepares students for future math classes because it allows them to think deeper. It also gives more time to develop foundational skills for all students. It can also help you see those who are struggling and where they are struggling so that you can assist them. 


  1. How will the addition of speaking and listening standards shape classroom activities?

Speaking and listening standards that the classroom activities because the students gain speaking and listening skills. This can assist them in their future educational careers. It also helps students become thinkers in reading, writing, speech, and language. 


  1. How does analyzing lessons for Common Core alignment help this group of teachers with their own practice?

Analyzing Common Core alignment lessons helps this group of teachers with their own practice because they teach more in-depth rather than teaching broader. They get to have the experience on how to shape the students for their future.

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  • Private message to Kevin Spacey

It was a fine video, I suppose. Nothing really stood out to me. I had to watch it for my educaiton class. I felt like I didn't really learn much that I didn't already know. It was just more busy work.

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  • Private message to Elizabeth Hogan
I love the idea of common core because common core is an attempt to make elementary education the same across the country. I’m theory it can help students think on their own but personally it is not developed enough for the country to all be on the same page.
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  • Private message to Allison Bohan
Our county started common core a few years ago and we were hesitant at first. It took a lot of time to plan and rethink how we prepared our lessons. As we tackled the challenge, we realized that we were already doing many of the techniques and strategies provided by the new curriculum. We also realized that we had more opportunities for differentiation. Since more focus is on students delving deeper into the content, we have more time to develop foundational skills for all students. Those who need the chance to learn new strategies that could work best for their learning style, now could be successful too. Our continued challenge is to access more technology to build on the resources and be able to present this information in digital formats.
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