No Series: Structured Groups: Making Group-Work Work

Structured Groups: Making Group-Work Work

Lesson Objective: Observe effective processes for group work and peer assessment
All Grades / All Subjects / Group Work


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Discussion and Supporting Materials

Thought starters

  1. What is the value of assessing how students perform their group roles?
  2. Notice how Mr. Jupp gives meaningful feedback and guidance specific to each group How does peer assessment give ownership of the learning to students?


  • Private message to T Roberts

Taking ownership Students taking ownership of the lesson  empowers students . Mr. Jupp gave immediate feed back to his students. Assigning student roles can be a challenge , with peer assessment.. thoughful planning for which grops  will work well together It is helpful in a  Social studies to allow for group changes and  organized movement in the classroom. Students are motivated because they can work with other students who are not in the same group.

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  • Private message to Rachel Thomson
  1. What is the value of assessing how students perform their group roles? He is going to be assessing how well they work in their roles. He will be assessing how well they will be able to work together as a team.
  2. Notice how Mr. Jupp gives meaningful feedback and guidance specific to each group. How does peer assessment give ownership of the learning to students? Peer assessment gives ownership to the students because it allows them to be accountable of their work. It provides an opportunity to ensure that each student was contributing to the end goal and builds on their team work skills.
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  • Private message to Nadine Simmonds

It is imperative that this strategy is always present in any teaching and learning situation. When students are given the opportunity of taking ownership of their learning experiences they will become more responsible human beings and be better prepared for the 21st century society.

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  • Private message to Shay Centilli

The roles that each student had in the groups will be helpful to keep students on task, also to make sure that not just one student is doing all the work. The work is spread out across the group and everyone is in charge of something different. And the peer review at the end is awesome, because they are showing each other what is cool and selling to the students rather than making it informational and boring and proving to the teacher they know their information. 

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  • Private message to Andrea Grindea

It is great to see that student's take responbility for each role in groups.  The students are able to see what their strengths and weaknesses while doing group work. 

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External Resource Materials


  • Summary

    A lesson in collaboration demonstrates the use of peer assessment, which can be applied to any key stage.
    Secondary pupils


    A lesson in collaboration demonstrates the use of peer assessment, which can be applied to any key stage.
    Secondary pupils at the President Kennedy School in Coventry, work in mixed ability groups to create a marketing campaign to promote tourism in London.
    Students are assigned roles within the group and then choose a target audience such as families or pensioners.
    It's up to them to work together and use their research and creative skills to produce a presentation for the rest of the class to judge.
    The teacher has little influence as the others assess the style and content of each presentation.
    Later, Philippa Cordingley, director of the Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education explains the use of this strategy supported by the research in this video .