No Series: New Teacher Survival Guide

New Teacher Survival Guide

Lesson Objective: We’ll follow several new teachers and their mentors as they focus on essential first-year skills from lesson planning to classroom management to differentiation. This hour is filled with useful “do’s and don’ts” for new teachers.
Teaching Channel Presents: Season 3
58 MIN


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Discussion and Supporting Materials


  • Private message to Deisy Isaza

Breaking the observation down into three parts was very helpful. The pre-observation really sets the stage for the new teacher and the observer to talk about the lesson strategies and classroom activities. This video offers some great tips for a new teacher and shows how receiving constructive criticism is a good help  if you want to improve your effectiveness in the classroom.


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  • Private message to TONIA THOMAS

Its expected for a new teacher to struggle.Its ok to ask for help.This was a great video showing how new teachers handle their class room.It was nice to see how one teacher got very quite when her students were off task,when they noticed she was very quite they regrouped themselves.Working in smaller groups help the students understood more of what the lesson was about.Interacting with games helps to students learn without even realizing they are learning.keep it fun is always a plus.Moving around the class and making sure that the students are staying on task.This was a great video with alot of pertient information.

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  • Private message to Praveena Ballapuram

This video is great for new teachers because the new teacher should always seek help when struggling. It is enouraging to learn that there are various strategies they could get from experts when starting out. Some of the useful steps I learned in this class are setting routines, breaking the lesson into smaller components, using games to keep the students engaged, and establishing positive strategies to encourage participation and learning.

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  • Private message to Cynthia Estrada

I enjoyed watching this video about new teacher strategies. Some takeways from the video were the use of classroom strategies in order to keep students engage throughout the lecture. I liked how teachers were creating consistent classroom routines, using physical proximity to engage students, non verbal cues and competitive games in order to help students stay focused and absord the lesson plans. Another aspect I liked about the video is how they encouraged teachers to breakdown lessons into their smallest component parts so students get excited about learning the lessons. This was a great video!

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  • Private message to Kayla Caravelli

It was great to hear from first-time teachers first hand and watch them get feedback. Seeing the first teacher impliment new non-verbal cues in her classroom that allowed them to rely on her less was interesting, and i think will be helpful for future classroom management. 

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