Series Envision Education Deeper Learning: Advisory: Check-in and Support

Advisory: Check-in and Support

Lesson Objective: Build a culture of support
Grades 9-12 / Engagement


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Discussion and Supporting Materials

Thought starters

  1. What is the purpose of advisory?
  2. How does Ms. Benedetto create a positive culture in advisory?
  3. How does advisory benefit both students and teachers?


  • Private message to Amanda Ortega
  1. What is the purpose of advisory?  To keep the students motivated, on track,and to learn to prioritize (just like in college)
  2. How does Ms. Benedetto create a positive culture in advisory? She acknowledges their fears.  She lets them know that SHE feels that way too.  She encourages kids to help each other.  
  3. How does advisory benefit both students and teachers? It helps keep the students on tracck and creates less stressed about the deadlines.  It also helps the students learn to prioritize the expectations. 
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  • Private message to Robert Novak
This is a wonderful idea. It seems very therapeutic for the students, which is very important to building a lifetime of comfort with academic procedure. I like the idea of students "letting their shoulders down" so that they can be open to accepting the help they need. Although my school does not incorporate advisorship into the schedule, I may incorporate some of this technique into my high school classroom, especially before a big project or portfolio is due.
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  • Private message to Teresia O'Hala
I like how comfortable the environment is, especially when she says, "We're going to do a whip around" and "I hear ya.........give yourself rewards....cookies...." The advisory strengthens relationships within the school environment.
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  • Private message to Michelle Polzin
I love this video because it is what I believe forming relationships with students should be happening at all grade levels. This is what keeps students coming back..feeling wanted and like they can accomplish great things.
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  • Advisory: Check-in and Support Transcript

    Teacher: We’re gonna do a whip around of sort of what’s going on for you around

    Advisory: Check-in and Support Transcript

    Teacher: We’re gonna do a whip around of sort of what’s going on for you around portfolios. You can really interpret that in whatever way you want to.

    Student: I’m feeling very nervous because I have a lot to do and so little bit.

    Student: I know what I have to do, but I just don’t do it.

    Student: My heart’s beating really fast right now because there’s only four more weeks.

    Narrator: I always say that I wouldn’t be able to work at Metro if we didn’t have advisory because the advisory piece is such a critical component.

    Teacher: I feel the stress. I can see it on your faces.

    Narrator: Without the ability to form relationships with them in a different way, just beyond being their Teacher, I don’t think that we would be able to do coax and cajole and do the work that we do with them.

    Student: It’s hard.

    Teacher: I’m with you. Super hard.

    Student: With deadlines coming up.

    Teacher: Give yourself little chunks of time and then give yourself rewards when you get a little bit done. Cookies. I don’t know.

    Narrator: Most advisories will start where we sit in a circle and we talk as a community. We’ll have students answer a question about their life or about their day as just a way to transition away from the academic stuff that sometimes gets in the way of people just being people.

    Teacher: Remember, when things feel out of control, the best thing that I’ve ever done is make myself a list of things I can check off easily.

    Student: With my list, I don’t know where to start. I don’t know—

    Teacher: How many of you go with the hardest thing because you’re like, that’s what I gotta work on first? Okay. Good. All right. That’s another option.

    Student: I go with the scariest one.

    Teacher: The scariest? That’s great.

    Student: The consequence. If I don’t get it done, what’s gonna happen?

    Teacher: Yeah. That’s great if that’s what it takes. In college, that’s gonna be the safe thing.

    Narrator: With seniors, advisory is very much about college and the portfolio.

    Student: Hello, everyone.

    Narrator: That’s really where some of that peer feedback comes in.

    Teacher: It’s just us. Have fun with it.

    Student: You can do it.


    Teacher: We’ll be rehearsing in front of each other, giving each other feedback, seeking each other out for guidance.

    Student: As a microscope, I’m able to see the beauty in what seems to be boring but really has remarkable detail.

    Narrator: It’s where students can let their shoulders down a little bit and just say, I need help with this. Can somebody help me with this? It’s wonderful because you’ll have three kids be like, yes, I’ll help you. They come together.

    Teacher: In your argument, you talk about looking through different perspectives. How did you do that?

    Student: I relate this artifact to mostly to accepting imperfection.

    Student: I’m excited and I’m just nervous.

    Narrator: Students learn that they can view their Teachers in a different light, that some of the trust issues and the feeling of, oh, you’re this adult; you’re gonna tell me that I’m wrong or whatever goes away.

    Student: I feel good because I feel confident and I’m ready to start.

    Teacher: Sounds like if you need some help from anybody, you can also ask Janae 02:55 ‘cause she’s feeling awesome. I love that.

    [End of Audio]

School Details

Metropolitan Arts & Technology High School
1195 Hudson Avenue
San Francisco CA 94124
Population: 130

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Abby (Abigail) Benedetto