Series Observation Exercise: What Do You Hear?: Observation Exercise: What Do You Hear? (Uncut)

Observation Exercise: What Do You Hear? (Uncut)

Lesson Objective: This is 6 minutes of authentic teaching, unedited, and without teacher narration.


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Discussion and Supporting Materials


  • Private message to Kisha Dorsey

The teacher asks probing questions in her conversation with the kids. She even asks questions within the answer to the student's questions. The questions she asks makes the students think about what they read and even want to go back for more details.

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  • Private message to Joann Miller

Teacher gets students to look for answers in the book to make them crititcal thinkers.  I love how she asks them quesions, and the students eargerly looked for the answers.  Great class partipation.  

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  • Private message to Kathy Kyser

The group interactions, asking questions to find the answer.  Prompt and friendly feedback.

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  • Private message to Stephanie Lacey

The teacher did a good job at asking the students questions to prompt them to look back into their reading to provide answers to the questions that not only she was asking but questions that they had themselves of the text read.
Teacher was very patient and complimentary of the actions of the students and the knowledge demonstrated.

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  • Private message to Michael Stires

The teacher did a great job observing the students learning and was able to encourage students to provide evidence from the book. She was able to guide the students to be able to find the answer on their own and gave positive feedback. The teacher’s patience was clearly shown during the time the students would be looking for the answer and being able to support their answer with evidence. Great job!

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