September is Common Core Q&A Month!


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As the new school year begins, many teachers throughout America will be implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for the first time. But we've been hearing from you, our growing community on Teaching Channel, that many teachers feel uncertain about the "right" way to do this. So we're very excited to tell you about a back-to-school special we're launching on September 3rd, the day after Labor Day.

Back to School with Teaching Channel

September Special: Questions About the Common Core? Ask the Experts!

Throughout September, Teaching Channel is bringing together top experts on the CCSS to answer questions for our community of more than 320,000 teachers. Among those answering questions will be CCSS experts and educators from Student Achievement Partners (SAP), a nonprofit founded by authors of the standards, and people from PARCC and Smarter Balanced who are creating the CCSS assessments.

Have a question? Here’s what you do:

  1. Register on Teaching Channel (or sign in)
  2. Post your question in the Q&A area and be sure you tag your question "common core"
  3. When your questions are answered, you will get an email alert
  4. Help another teacher: we know many of you have been trying out CC lessons, so jump in and answer a few questions
  5. Tell your friends!

Here's the schedule:

  • Student Achievement Partners (SAP): SAP Core Advocates will answer questions throughout the month of September
  • PARCC: Experts will be on-call the week of September 15th
  • Smarter Balanced: Experts will answer questions the week of September 15th


We would love for you to participate in this special event on Teaching Channel -- we created this to further teachers' ability to learn from one another and from experts. We know you'll help make this a productive and valuable session for the start of an exciting new school year.

P.S. Tell your friends and colleagues so they can get their questions answered too!

Pat Wasley is the Chief Executive Officer for Teaching Channel. Pat began her education career as a public school teacher in the U.S. and in Australia. She has been a public school administrator, a researcher, a university professor, and a dean of both the Bank Street Graduate School of Education and the University of Washington College of Education.

1 Comment

  • Private message to Val Vogel
Is "common core" more "entrenched", or is it being replaced in some states, already??” I'm hoping it is better understand and comfortable. Thanks, Val Vogel, in Louisiana.
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