TCHERS' VOICE / Professional Learning

Teaching Channel Enters A New Era


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Teaching Channel was founded on the belief that giving educators a chance to see and reflect on classroom practice in action would have a profound impact on the profession.

You, the million-strong Teaching Channel community, have borne out that vision. You come to our website and watch our videos to learn from one another, to add to your teacher toolkit, to engage in meaningful inquiry using our Teams platform, and to share concrete ideas via our blog.

We at Teaching Channel have been humbled by your sustained and ever-growing support of our mission.

Now, to keep Teaching Channel thriving and producing the kind of content you find so valuable over the long-term, our Board of Directors, after careful consideration regarding the sustainability of our mission, has made the decision for Teaching Channel to become a for-profit company.

What does this transition mean for you?

Simply put, there will be no change to the privileges Teaching Channel members currently enjoy. Just as you do now, you’ll be able to freely access our website with the same videos you've come to depend on for professional growth, and to interact with other community members via our Q&A forum and comments sections.

What you’ll see over time is an increase in high-quality learning opportunities as we make additional resources and experiences available to you.

Teaching Channel, in other words, will continue its mission to open classroom doors and make it possible for teachers to share and experience best practices.

We look forward to embarking on this next chapter with you as we improve teaching and learning and broaden our impact. As always, if you have thoughts or questions about this or any other aspect of the work here at Teaching Channel, please feel free to reach out:

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Tchers' Voice

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