TCHERS' VOICE / Professional Learning

Open Call: Join the Fab Five Tch ELL Squadster Team!


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We're looking for five teachers or instructional coaches who are interested in building their ELL content and instructional practice through collaboration on the Fab Five ELL Squadster team.

Each of the five Squadsters will work on an ELL project of his or her choice. For instance, one Squadster might build a peer coaching network while another might design a set of tools for principals to help sustain ELL efforts at their schools. During the process, Squadsters will be asked to share their learning with the Tch community through blog posts, forums, and podcasts.

Additionally, Squadsters will be asked to attend remote meetings once a month, to attend a face-to-face meeting with other Squadsters (compliments of Teaching Channel), and to contribute to a new ELL Deep Dive. A stipend will be provided to all Squadsters.

We created a Next Gen Science Standards (NGSS) Squad last year. Here's a sampling of their work.

To apply, please fill out this application by January 21, 2017.

Paul stumbled into education 20 years ago when he was asked to direct a one-act play and coach the Knowledge Bowl team in his northern Minnesota home town. Since then, he’s worked in all levels of education, from teaching 9th/10th grade and college English, to coordinating post-doctoral programs, to directing K-8 after school technology programs throughout south Seattle. He now works for Teaching Channel Teams as an Engagement Manager, helping states, districts, and schools launch and sustain professional learning on Teams.

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