Tch Talks 17: Collaborative Learning with Minecraft


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Minecraft Education Edition

Has Minecraft cracked the code to highly effective, spontaneous collaboration? Minecraft naturally fosters a community of learners, where students learn about what it takes to work in a team and collaborate in an authentic and meaningful way. Minecraft Global Mentor Josh McLaughlin joins Tch Talks to discuss how we can facilitate meaning, collaboration, and opportunity in the classroom by having students build and solve problems together with Minecraft.

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Josh McLaughlin

Josh MclaughlinJosh McLaughlin, Manager of Academic Collaboration & Support for Breakthrough Schools, works directly with Breakthrough Schools’ Model Education Leaders to determine areas of shared academic interest and to design and execute projects that provide mutual academic benefit for all Breakthrough Schools. Prior to joining Breakthrough, Josh worked as a Title I Reading Specialist and Instructional Lead Teacher for Arlington Public Schools, where he designed face-to-face and online professional learning networks and helped to shape and refine Arlington’s successful Personalized Learning Initiative. Josh is a National Board Certified Teacher, a current Minecraft Global Mentor, and was a recipient of the 2014 Virginia Lotto Super Teacher Award.


Minecraft Education Edition

Minecraft Starter Kit

This is the third in our five-part podcast series, Teaching and Learning with Minecraft. Stay tuned for episodes that focus on Creativity and Tangible Learning Outcomes.

1 Comment

  • Private message to Shelly Mittrick
I love the idea of collaborative learning. The idea that we can of course build things on our own, but we can build amazing things with each other is an idea that i want to expand on in my classroom
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