Series Engaging ELLs in Academic Conversations: Talk Moves in Academic Discussions

Talk Moves in Academic Discussions

Lesson Objective: Listen to others and respond appropriately
All Grades / All Subjects / Participation


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Discussion and Supporting Materials

Thought starters

  1. What are the different talk moves that Ms. Groves describes?
  2. Why are talk moves helpful to use with English Language Learners?
  3. How could you adapt these talk moves for use in your classroom?


  • Private message to SheilaNat SheilaNat
Компания РедМетСплав — один из ведущих дистрибьюторов металлов редкоземельных групп, таких как вольфрам и молибден, и изделий из них. Существующие запасы металлов редкоземельных групп и современное оборудование позволяют нам выполнения заказов и требований любой сложности и объема, поддерживая самые высокие стандарты качества. Непрерывное развитие и новации в технологиях позволяют нам отвечать потребностям клиентов даже с самыми специфическими требованиями, в то время как мы гарантируем надежность при каждой сделке благодаря нашему опыту и профессионализму. Наша продукция: [url=]Вольфрамовый вкладыш для воронки[/url] [url=]Вольфрамовые трубы и трубки[/url] [url=]Вольфрам индивидуальная деталь[/url] [url=]Молибденовая шпилька для высокотемпературной печи[/url] [url=]Вольфрам индивидуальная деталь[/url]
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  • Private message to Jovanny perez

Ms. Groves essentially shows students how to respond if they agree or disagree with a fellow student in an academic setting. It might help English learners becuase its like a sentence starter for them. 

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  • Private message to Luther Stohs

I liked the way the teacher encouraged them for what they did and said, but then challenged them to carry on the conversation further, and own it, without shame.

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  • Private message to Rhonda Chappell
  1. What are the different talk moves that Ms. Groves describes? I agree because..., I want to add what I think..., I disagree because..., I have connection..., Can you explain..., Can you repeat...
  2. Why are talk moves helpful to use with English Language Learners? It give them a place to start the conversation so that they can have the confidence to speak.
  3. How could you adapt these talk moves for use in your classroom? I could have even my 3rd graders listen to what their group or partner is saying and be able to use whichever 'talk move' best fits. 
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  • Private message to Robyn Helmers
  1. What are the different talk moves that Ms. Groves describes?  I agree because…, I disagree because…., can you explain your thinking….and etc., to help the students explain their thinking and engage in discussions.
  2. Why are talk moves helpful to use with English Language Learners?  The talk moves help the students begin their discussions.
  3. How could you adapt these talk moves for use in your classroom?  I could adopt these talk moves to help guide my fourth graders with their collaborative discussions.
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  • Talk Moves in Academic Discussions Transcript

    +++ 00:00:04 +++
    Tamica Groves: When you're having a conversation, you're going to share your

    Talk Moves in Academic Discussions Transcript

    +++ 00:00:04 +++
    Tamica Groves: When you're having a conversation, you're going to share your answers.
    8th Grade English Language Development Class
    Tamica Groves: But you're not only going to share your answers. You're going to respond to what other people say.
    Tamica Groves: We've looked at Talk Moves quite a few times and clarifying questions.
    Talk Moves in
    Academic Discussions
    A Classroom Strategy
    Lower Third
    Tamica Groves
    8th Grade English Teacher
    Westlake Middle School, Oakland, CA
    Tamica Groves: It's about learning how to participate in an academic discussion, learning how to listen to what other people are saying and respond appropriately.
    Tamica Groves: What's the first Talk Move?
    Student: I agree with what blank said because...
    Discussion 'Talk Moves'
    I agree with what ______ said, because...
    I want to add on to what ______ said. I think that...

    +++ 00:00:37 +++
    Tamica Groves: So you can agree, say, "Oh, I said the same thing as Diana. I agree with what Diana said because that was crazy when that happened." Jei-Lin, how about the second one?
    Student: I want to add on to what blank said. I think that...
    Tamica Groves: I would love to hear you adding on to people's ideas. I'll read a couple more.
    I disagree with _______ because...
    I have a connection to what _____ said...
    Can you explain your thinking?
    Tamica Groves: You can disagree with someone, you can make a connection to what someone said. You can ask someone to explain their thinking. Or you can even say, "Can you repeat that? I couldn't understand you."

    +++ 00:01:09 +++
    Tamica Groves: I feel like they give them a good starting point. So for the students who aren't sure of what they want to say or how they want to get their ideas out, they at least have a point and some choices that can lead them into what they want to say.
    Student: The most thing are interesting and unbelievable is Siddhartha talked and walked when he is a baby, because I never see a baby talk and walk like this.
    Student: I got the same answer.
    Tamica Groves: Okay, so what about if you look up here at the Talk Moves. Would you say that again, using that top one?

    +++ 00:01:39 +++
    Student: I have a connection to what she said, Diana.
    Tamica Groves: Better.
    Tamica Groves: My role is to be explicit in what I'm asking them to do and also modeling ways to improve the discussion.
    Tamica Groves: I like that everyone's sharing their ideas, but make sure like how Michael responded to someone else, I want to hear Talk Moves too, okay?
    Tamica Groves: Part of it's having the confidence that it's okay if they mess up, having the starters up there, so they have something to kind of lean on and a crutch.

    +++ 00:02:10 +++
    Student: I agree with what Debin say, because he want have a better life than he being spoiled.
    Tamica Groves: I want them to get to a point where their conversation is more authentic and where they're engaging with each other at higher levels.
    Tamica Groves: Perfect.

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School Details

Westlake Middle School
2629 Harrison Street
Oakland CA 94611
Population: 307

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Tamica Groves